Have a sneak peek into our bags!!!!

Rosanna's ARANAZ bamboo purse/clutch
What's Inside:
vintage scarf
Rayban wayfarers
Body Shop eye lash curler (my mom taught me to bring this EVERYWHERE! hahaha!)
CK be perfume
Dior lipstick
Elf lipstick
strawberry lip balm
Nokia phone
F21 glasses
really REALLY old and beaten up Gucci wallet
iPod and "Andy Warhol" iPod case

Hanna's LV Speedy
What's Inside:
Nokia phone
Gucci wallet
Warehouse gloves
cheap sunglasses
small Marc Jacobs purse:
strawberry Chapstick,
Bobbi Brown lipgloss in ruby 28,
Body Innoventions lip plumper
and Stevita leaf-extract sweeteners
bag organizer
(i dont know why i even bother... by the end of the day everything is outside the organizer)
Rosanna's ARANAZ bamboo purse/clutch
What's Inside:
vintage scarf
Rayban wayfarers
Body Shop eye lash curler (my mom taught me to bring this EVERYWHERE! hahaha!)
CK be perfume
Dior lipstick
Elf lipstick
strawberry lip balm
Nokia phone
F21 glasses
really REALLY old and beaten up Gucci wallet
iPod and "Andy Warhol" iPod case
Hanna's LV Speedy
What's Inside:
Nokia phone
Gucci wallet
Warehouse gloves
cheap sunglasses
small Marc Jacobs purse:
strawberry Chapstick,
Bobbi Brown lipgloss in ruby 28,
Body Innoventions lip plumper
and Stevita leaf-extract sweeteners
bag organizer
(i dont know why i even bother... by the end of the day everything is outside the organizer)
mine is so baboy compared to yours. hahaha. :))
ps. i love that aranaz bag!!! so so pretty.
Aww, this post is so cute!!!
Hugs and kisses
oh cool bags! i love when people do the bag post! always intersting..i don't think anyone has ever had the same items..so i love it for that. xxx LM
This is fabulous!!
hanna i love that you carry an umbrella everywhere, you must get so much rain there!
chic ladies, love your bags. xx
The first one is amazing because it could easily be the bag of a young lady or a batty old European woman.
I'll take one of each please...gorgeous bags!!
i lurve the aranaz bag and the wayfarers! :) i am still looking for an everyday use nice bag and still haven't found one. :(
cute post!
Great idea - wish the inside of my bag could look so neat. Really need to stop keeping all of my receipts.
The clutch is so gorgeous!!!!
What a fun Idea for a post. I love it.
That first bag is so gorgeous!!!
Really nice items in your bags:D LOve it!
Hanna, I'm the one to know why you're wearing your umbrella all the time;D I;m having mine with me all the time since I came here;)
I just fell in love with the bejeweled Aranaz clutch! and the chain strap is just gorgeous. I'm crossing my fingers that it's still available when I fly home for summer...
awww i love the andy warhol ipod case and the LV Speedy, nice post!
Love the bag posts am thinking this should spread into a fashion blogger epidemic...I find I always carry so much crap it's unreal..cute bags by the way..
Looking into another's bag: how entertaining! :)
Great stuff! In mine youll find tons of gum wrappers and reciepts
I so love watching these items,it´s like showing a whole personality
I so love watching these items,it´s like showing a whole personality
absolutely adorable girls!! i lovee the "bamboo" bag!! *drool* lol.
ah awesome bag
the first bamboo bag is sooo cute!
my bag- a bunch of stuff that i can't remember, but i just got an adorable Liz Claiborne wallet, so that's all i can think of right now, that and midnight blue nail polish. Your post reminds me that it's time for some spring cleaning.
Great post!
That bamboo purse in the first picture is fantastic. I adore it :)
I have a million things in my bag compared to you guys. I wish I could take just a pinch with me instead of my whole house.
The ARANAZ purse is beautiful! :) And I like the Andy Warhol iPod case. So cute! :)
cute post! id love to do one of these but it would become evident that my bag is full of ticket stubs and receipts.
the Aranaz clutch is very nice! you girls are very neat and organize! and i like the idea of hannah's bag organizer. hehe :)
love this post!!
I did the same in this post
they are all perfectly disordered. somehow. Nice one :)
how fun. rosanna, i love your bag!
rosanna, i love that you carry around such a pretty,pretty mirror! haha i know its a random object to comment on but it was the first thing i noticed! i carry a mirror around too, but just a boring old one!
and hanna i love your pink marc jacobs purse! love the color!
I love these sort of bag posts and I love love love both your bags!
LOVE Rosanna's bag and the vintage scarf and mirror! SO pretty!
LOVE Hanna's pretty pouch and the gloves are so pretty! So chic! And I've got the same cell as you!(:
I love posts like this, so interesting =]
I always love to see what people have in their bags. I am a curious person. Hanna by the way thx for replying back. Guess what ? we are the same height. I can't believe it.
Gosh, Rosanna, waht a beautiful bag, scarf, sunnies, purse, and mirror!!!
Gorgeous bags, and loving the scarf and the leather gloves! :-D
Cool post.
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